B-cell receptors and heavy chain diseases: guilty by association?


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Heavy chain diseases (HCDs) are B-cell proliferative disorders characterized by the production of monoclonal, incomplete, immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chains (HCs) without associated light chains (LCs). These abnormal HCs are produced as a consequence of HC gene alterations in the neoplastic B cells. HC gene alterations will also impact on surface HC, which is part of the B-cell receptor (BCR), a crucial player in lymphocyte activation by antigen. The selective advantage conferred to mutant cells by abnormal BCR without an antigen-binding domain may be explained by activation of ligand-independent signaling, in analogy to what has been shown for mutated oncogenic growth factor receptors. Here we review data obtained from mouse models showing abnormal, constitutive activity of HCD-BCR, and we discuss the possible mechanism involved, namely, aberrant spontaneous self-aggregation. This self-aggregation might occur as a consequence of escape from the chaperone immunoglobulin binding protein (BiP) and from the anti-aggregation effect of LC association. The concept of misfolding-induced signaling elaborated here may extend to other pathologies termed conformational diseases. (Blood. 2011;117(26):6991-6998)
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