The psychiatric manifestations of people living with HIV in Mali]

M Karambé, J Zoungrana, J P Dembele, A S Fofana,A A Oumar, M Sissoko,B Coulibaly,S Dao

Le Mali médical(2010)

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HIV/AIDS related disorders have a negative impact on the assumption of responsibility of other Comorbidities and could lead to a highest lethality rate. The goal was to evaluate the prevalence of the psychiatric disorders during HIV/AIDS at infectious diseases service of “hôpital du Point G”. We carried out an exploratory study and descriptive energy of July 1, 2004 to bearing 31 October 2005 out of 166 patients. The cases of HIV were defined on the basis of positivity of serology HIV by at least 2 fast tests associated or not with clinical signs with the AIDS according to CDC. Any disturbance of the higher functions was regarded as psychiatric demonstrations. The female sex was in a majority with a sex- ratio of 0.9. The ages bracket the most touched lay between 36 and 41ans. The housewives were 36.7%. The grooms accounted for 64.5%. The prevalence of the psychiatric disorders was 58.9%. The disorders were dominated by the depression (45.8%) followed confusional syndrome 31.9% and epilepsy 7.8%. All the patients with psychiatric antecedents developed a confusional syndrome. The subjects having presented a psychiatric disorder were infected by the HIV-1 in 93.4% of the cases.Occurred of the psychiatric disorders was inversely proportional to the rate of CD4. Lethality was very high is 56%.
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