Overweight and at-risk for overweight among Hawai'i public school students entering kindergarten, 2002-2003.

Ann M Pobutsky, Robert Hirokawa, Li Zou, Tianzhu Huang, Linda Rosen, Betty Wood

Hawaii medical journal(2006)

引用 31|浏览4
Recent studies have pointed to an increasing problem of overweight and obesity in children in Hawai'i, but all of these studies have been conducted in specific communities or special population groups. No broad population-based studies have been conducted to document the extent of overweight in the general population of children in Hawai'i. To provide a population based estimate of overweight in Hawai'i's children, this study examined Student Health Records for 10, 199 children entering kindergarten in public schools during 2002-2003. Data on age, gender, height, and weight were used to calculate BMI (body mass index) scores. Because records for all students entering public school kindergarten were available for analysis, the data presented here represents the broadest estimates of overweight and at risk for overweight in Hawai'i's children published to date. The results illustrate that almost one-third of the children aged 4-6 years old entering Hawai'i public schools are either overweight or at risk for overweight. Rates are higher in rural school complexes than urban ones. Compared to a 1984 study that found 'no significant under or over nutrition' in Hawai'i's school children, our results suggest that almost one-third of children aged 4-6 entering Hawai'i public schools are either overweight or at risk for overweight. Physicians should be aware of this growing problem, and seek to implement practices to combat overweight among their pediatric patients and families.
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