A case report of papillary fibroelastoma attached to chorda tendineae of mitral valve.

The Tokai journal of experimental and clinical medicine(2006)

引用 24|浏览2
The case was a Japanese man of 62 years old. A bulbar mass attached to mitral valve anterior leaflet was discovered in an echocardiography within detailed examination of ischemic heart disease accidentally. We diagnosed him as ischemic heart disease and doubt of heart tumor. We thought about the danger of future embolism, surgical treatment was decided. We dissected the tumor together with one chorda tendineae of mitral valve, and a performed aorta - coronary bypass surgery. We diagnosed the tumor as papillary fibroelastoma by pathological diagnosis. Papillary fibroelastoma is extremely rare with 7-9% of benign tumor of heart primary. Most of the papillary fibroelastoma is incidentally discovered by echocardiography or autopsy. Or it is discovered for systemic embolism. The tumor is benign, but there is a problem to cause embolism. Therefore, when we discovered papillary fibroelastoma, surgical resection of the tumor is the first-line therapy. A problem on surgical therapy is the range of resection area. Papillary fibroelastoma is benign tumor, but the pathological characteristic is still unidentified. Further epidemiological and pathological studies are necessary to determine the extent of surgical excision in associated with characteristics of papillary fibroelastoma.
papillary fibroelastoma,mitral valve,chorda tendineae
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