Direction and speed tuning to visual motion in cortical areas MT and MSTd during smooth pursuit eye movements.


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Inaba N, Miura K, Kawano K. Direction and speed tuning to visual motion in cortical areas MT and MSTd during smooth pursuit eye movements. J Neurophysiol 105: 1531-1545, 2011. First published January 27, 2011; doi: 10.1152/jn.00511.2010.-When tracking a moving target in the natural world with pursuit eye movement, our visual system must compensate for the self-induced retinal slip of the visual features in the background to enable us to perceive their actual motion. We previously reported that the speed of the background stimulus in space is represented by dorsal medial superior temporal (MSTd) neurons in the monkey cortex, which compensate for retinal image motion resulting from eye movements when the direction of the pursuit and background motion are parallel to the preferred direction of each neuron. To further characterize the compensation observed in the MSTd responses to the background motion, we recorded single unit activities in cortical areas middle temporal (MT) and MSTd, and we selected neurons responsive to a large-field visual stimulus. We studied their responses to the large-field stimulus in the background while monkeys pursued a moving target and while fixated a stationary target. We investigated whether compensation for retinal image motion of the background depended on the speed of pursuit. We also asked whether the directional selectivity of each neuron in relation to the external world remained the same even during pursuit and whether compensation for retinal image motion occurred irrespective of the direction of the pursuit. We found that the majority of the MSTd neurons responded to the visual motion in space by compensating for the image motion on the retina resulting from the pursuit regardless of pursuit speed and direction, whereas most of the MT neurons responded in relation to the genuine retinal image motion.
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Key words
monkey,directional selectivity,compensation,background
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