Bacteriological relationship between organ donor and recipient. A survey apropos of 100 brain dead patients]

C Voltz,F Jacob, J F Perrier, P Strub, J Mariot

Agressologie: revue internationale de physio-biologie et de pharmacologie appliquées aux effets de l'agression(1992)

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The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between germs found in samples systematically taken in the organ donors and germs found in the corresponding recipients in the 8 post-operative days. The 100 brain-dead patients received oxacillin (2g every 4 hours) when the bacteriological samples were taken. 41% of the donors were germ carriers. The germs were mainly located in the respiratory track (Staphylococcus aureus meti-S (34%) and Hemophilus (29%)). Among the 86 patients harvested, 40 donors were germ carriers and gave 132 organs, 46 donors were not germ carrier and gave 151 organs. The comparison between these two groups showed no difference. Assessment of infection occurring in organ recipient in the 8 post-operative days (germ, location, evolution) showed no difference, whether organs were removed from germ carrier donors or no. Comparison between the germs found in germ carrier donors and those found in recipients with sepsis showed a similitude in three cases (2.2%). In the other cases, there is no relationship between the germs found in the donors and post-operative sepsis in the recipient.
organ donor,bacteriological relationship,dead patients,brain
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