Sitimagene ceradenovec: a gene-based drug for the treatment of operable high-grade glioma.


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The field of gene therapy for malignant glioma has made important advances since the first gene transfer studies were performed 20 years ago. Multiple Phase I/II trials and two Phase III trials have been performed and have demonstrated the feasibility and safety of intratumoral vector delivery in the brain. Sitimagene ceradenovec is an adenoviral vector encoding the herpes simplex thymidine kinase gene, developed by Ark Therapeutics Group plc (UK and Finland) for the treatment of patients with operable high-grade glioma. In preclinical and Phase I/II clinical studies, sitimagene ceradenovec exhibited a significant increase in survival. Although the preliminary results of a Phase III clinical study demonstrated a significant positive effect of sitimagene ceradenovec treatment on time to reintervention or death when compared with standard care treatment (hazard ratio: 1.43; 95% CI: 1.06-1.93; p < 0.05), the European Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use did not consider the data to provide sufficient evidence of clinical benefit. Further clinical evaluation, powered to demonstrate a benefit on a robust end point, is required. This article focuses on sitimagene ceradenovec and provides an overview of the developments in the field of gene therapy for malignant glioma.
adenovirus,Cerepro (R),gene therapy,glioma,herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase,sitimagene ceradenovec
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