Comparative evaluation of productivity of several green cultures as potential higher plant components of bio-regenerative systems of life support]

S A Ushakova, A A Tikhomirov,V V Velichko, T G Golovko,G N Tabalenkova, I G Zakhozhiĭ, V V Matusevich

Aviakosmicheskaia i ekologicheskaia meditsina = Aerospace and environmental medicine(2010)

Cited 23|Views5
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Purpose of the investigation was to select, analyze and evaluate green plant species known for assisting resistance to diseases and improving physiological functions in humans, and to test allelopathic compatibility of selected species with basic systems for life support. Nutrient substrates were freshly made soil-like substrate (SLS) and clayite. Green cultures were 6 spinach species, 2 lettuces, 2 leaf cabbage species and ruccola. The investigations showed that plant productivity was either equal to or better on freshly made SLS than on clayite; however, the greens accumulated large quantities of nitrate nitrogen. The highest productivity distinguished leaf cabbage; the best antiradical properties was demonstrated by lettuces and the worst, by some spinach species. None of the species displayed a negative allelopathic effect on productivity of the reddish test culture.
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Plant Secondary Metabolites
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