Conchopexy suture to prevent middle turbinate lateralisation and septal haematoma after endoscopic sinus surgery.

R K Bhalla, V Kaushik, J de Carpentier


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Endoscopic ethmoidectomy is now one of the commonest surgical procedures performed by ear, nose and throat surgeons. Access to the ethmoid air cells is via the middle meatus following medialisation of the middle turbinate and uncinectomy. The most satisfactory postoperative results are achieved by maintaining potency of the middle meatus. This allows delivery of topical medication and sinus aeration. Spontaneous lateralisation of the middle turbinate during the healing period, with or without synechiae, can compromise the surgical benefit. This paper describes a conchopexy suture placed at completion of ethmoidectomy. A carefully placed yet simple suture technique will maintain a widely patent middle meatus during the phase of post-operative healing. A slight modification allows quilting of mucoperi-chondrial flaps after septal surgery.
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