Dorsal rhizotomy does not alter rat estrous cycles or ovarian compensatory responses


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Rats were subjected to right side dorsal rhizotomy of spinal nerves T12-L2 and ipsior contralateral unilateral ovariectomy at estrus (day 1). Estrous cycles were recorded daily, and on day 15 the remaining ovary was removed and weighed. Antral follicles were counted in representative day 1 and day 15 ovaries. Dorsal rhizotomy did not affect estrous cycles during the period after surgery. Also dorsal rhizotomy did not alter ipsilateral ovarian hypertrophy or follicular activation following unilateral ovariectomy. Thus, although the major portion of the ovarian sensory innervation is via the lesioned segments, interruption of these segments centrally does not alter compensatory ovarian responses subsequent to unilateral ovariectomy.
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Ovary,Ovarian sensory nerves,Unilateral ovariectomy,Compensatory ovarian hypertrophy
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