A STATCOM controller for small signal stability using polynomial algorithms in a horizontal axis wind farm power system

Cleveland, OH(2013)

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This paper investigates three polynomial strategies in damping oscillations in a horizontal axis turbine plant power systems, to demonstrate the influence of the introduction of the STATCOM in the power system, a comparative study is implemented using various polynomial algorithm control approaches to a horizontal wind axis turbine power system incooperating a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM). The proposed controllers' designs are based on a linear time invariant model of the plant and state feedback scheme. First, the linearized mathematical model of STATCOM is derived. Then, using polynomial algorithms as a state feedback algorithm, a state feedback control law is derived. The proposed control strategy is tested on SMIB power system with wind turbine by digital computer simulations using matlab/simulink and a power analysis toolbox. Comparison of the polynomial matching results of the controllers establishes the superb nature of polynomial approximation approach.
mathematical analysis,polynomial approximation,polynomials,power system control,static var compensators,wind power plants,wind turbines,matlab,statcom controller,digital computer simulations,horizontal axis wind farm power system,linearized mathematical model,polynomial algorithm control,polynomial algorithms,power analysis toolbox,simulink,small signal stability,state feedback algorithm,state feedback control law,static synchronous compensator,turbine plant power systems,wind turbine,butterworth,dfig,itae,low frequency oscillations,statcom,suplemantary damping controller,reactive power,oscillators
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