Formal Specification and Analysis of an E-voting System


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Electronic voting systems are a perfect example of security-critical computing. One of the critical and complex parts of such systems is the voting process, which is responsible for correctly and securely storing intentions and actions of the voters. Unfortunately, recent studies revealed that various e-voting systems show serious specification, design, and implementation flaws. The application of formal specification and verification can greatly help to better understand the system requirements of e-voting systems by thoroughly specifying and analyzing the underlying assumptions and the security specific properties.This paper presents the specification and verification of the electronic voting process for the Election Systems & Software (ES&S) system. We used the ASTRAL language to specify the voting process of ES&S machines and the critical security requirements for the system. Proof obligations that verify that the specified system meets the critical requirements were automatically generated by the ASTRAL Software Development Environment (SDE). The PVS interactive theorem prover was then used to apply the appropriate proof strategies and discharge the proof obligations.
formal specification,formal verification,government data processing,security of data,systems analysis,theorem proving,ASTRAL language,ASTRAL software development environment,ES&S system,PVS interactive theorem prover,e-voting system,election systems & software system,electronic voting,formal analysis,formal specification,formal verification,security critical computing,system requirement,Critical Requirements,ES&S system,Electronic Voting Systems,Formal Specification and Verification
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