Unified trust management scheme that enhances the security in MANET using uncertain reasoning

Electronics and Communication Systems(2015)

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The characteristic options of mobile circumstantial networks (MANETs), as well as dynamic topology and open wireless intermediate, could lead MANETs full of several security vulnerabilities. OLSRv2 scheme that uses the shortest path based on hop count. Although OLSRv2 provides extensions for customization there is no specific security mechanism in the protocol. Most of existing approaches do not exploit direct and indirect observation at the same time to evaluate the trust of an observed node. The existing scheme has a very low throughput even if the number of malicious nodes is very small. In the proposed trust management scheme, the trust model has two techniques are trust from direct observation and trust from indirect observation. In direct observation, the trust value of observer node can be derived using Bayesian inference theory. Similarly the dempster-shafer functioned for neighbor node. Intensive simulation results show the effectiveness of the projected theme. Specifically, we can achieve a throughput in a rate of 6kbps for indirect, 5.8kbps for direct observation and packet delivery quantitative relation will be improved with slightly increased average finish to finish delay and overhead of messages.
manet,dempster shafer theory,security,bayesian,trust management,uncertain reasoning,mobile computing,mobile ad hoc networks,cognition
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