LLAMA: Efficient graph analytics using Large Multiversioned Arrays

Data Engineering(2015)

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We present LLAMA, a graph storage and analysis system that supports mutability and out-of-memory execution. LLAMA performs comparably to immutable main-memory analysis systems for graphs that fit in memory and significantly outperforms existing out-of-memory analysis systems for graphs that exceed main memory. LLAMA bases its implementation on the compressed sparse row (CSR) representation, which is a read-only representation commonly used for graph analytics. We augment this representation to support mutability and persistence using a novel implementation of multi-versioned array snapshots, making it ideal for applications that receive a steady stream of new data, but need to perform whole-graph analysis on consistent views of the data. We compare LLAMA to state-of-the-art systems on representative graph analysis workloads, showing that LLAMA scales well both out-of-memory and across parallel cores. Our evaluation shows that LLAMA's mutability introduces modest overheads of 3-18% relative to immutable CSR for in-memory execution and that it outperforms state-of-the-art out-of-memory systems in most cases, with a best case improvement of 5x on breadth-first-search.
tree data structures,tree searching,CSR representation,LLAMA,analysis system,breadth-first-search,compressed sparse row,efficient graph analytics,graph storage,large multiversioned arrays,multiversioned array snapshots,mutability,out-of-memory analysis systems,out-of-memory execution,out-of-memory systems,representative graph analysis workloads,
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