Lip tracking under varying expressions utilizing domain knowledge

Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics(2013)

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In recent years the need of a robust facial component tracking especially lip tracking algorithm has increased dramatically. We implement an active contour (snake) model inspired by human perception for lip tracking. In addition to the conventional energy terms for tension, rigidity (internal energy) and gradient magnitude (external energy) we propose to include energy terms from domain knowledge for lip shape constraint and local region profile constraint. Generalized deterministic annealing (GDA) update of the energy functional helps the solution to escape suboptimal local minima in the energy space and give better tracking result. Experimental results show that the proposed method efficiently adapts to the highly deformable lip boundaries even for lips with indistinct edges and colored (adorned) lips where gradient magnitude based or local region based tracking methods respectively fail. We have done a number of experiments to evaluate the performance of our method in comparison with the existing state-of-the-art methods.
annealing,face recognition,gradient methods,image colour analysis,performance evaluation,gda update,active contour snake model,colored adorned lips,conventional energy terms,domain knowledge,edges lips,energy functional,escape suboptimal local minima,external energy,generalized deterministic annealing update,gradient magnitude,human perception,internal energy,lip boundary,lip shape constraint,lip tracking algorithm,local region based tracking methods,local region profile constraint,lp tracking,rigidity,robust facial component tracking,tension
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