Feasibility study of an ultra wideband Pseudo-Noise-radar for medical applications

Antennas and Propagation(2011)

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An ultra wideband PN-radar for medical imaging applications is proposed. To detect water accumulation inside of the human body, e.g. the bladder, the radar signal undergoes multi-reflections and strong attenuation in human tissues. To fulfil the required high system dynamic range due to the signal attenuation in human tissues, a PN signal with order of 14 is used for the investigation. A demonstrator and a simulation model of a PN-radar are shown. The proposed PN-radar works with a chip rate of 2 GHz and therefore the signal is spread from 4 to 8 GHz after a mixer with LO frequency of 6 GHz. The influence of different SNRs and dispersion effects on the PN Signal are investigated. By comparing the PN-radar measurements with a Gauss pulse radar in a multiple targets scenario the proper function of the realized radar is demonstrated.
biological tissues,medical image processing,microwave imaging,radar imaging,ultra wideband radar,feasibility study,frequency 2 ghz,frequency 4 ghz to 8 ghz,human body,human tissues,medical imaging applications,radar signal,simulation model,ultrawideband pseudo- noise-radar,system dynamics,chip,radar,ultra wideband,correlation,reflection,dynamic range
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