Yield enhancement by tube redundancy in CNFET-based circuits

Electronics, Circuits, and Systems(2010)

Cited 5|Views27
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This paper analyzes the functional yield of CNFET based circuits when the metallic tubes are removed by extra processing steps. Functional yield for various gates is obtained through both Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations and analytical models. Tube Level Redundancy (TLR) is proposed to increase the functional yield of gates to an acceptable level when a large fraction of tubes are removed. Our results are very promising and indicate that when critical paths are considered, almost 100% yield can be achieved for relatively complex systems.
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Key words
Monte Carlo methods,carbon nanotubes,circuit simulation,field effect transistors,integrated circuit yield,redundancy,CNFET-based circuit,Monte Carlo simulation,TLR,carbon nanotube,metallic tube redundancy,tube level redundancy,yield enhancement
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