Dual-Polarization Sensitive MKIDs for Far Infrared Astrophysics

Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions(2013)

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We present the design for arrays of dual-polarization sensitive, superconducting sensors for far infrared astrophysics. Each pixel is feedhorn-coupled and consists of orthogonal, lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) both fabricated in the same deposition layer. Each LEKID pair contains an absorptive “one-turn” inductor and a large interdigitated capacitor (IDC) made of stoichiometric titanium nitride (TiN) with Tc ~ 4.5 K. Crossovers between the two inductors are bridged with short sections of niobium. This design enables dual-polarization sensitivity at frequencies above the superconducting gap of niobium (>; 700 GHz). Simulations of the optical coupling show 83% co-polar and ≤ 0.3% cross-polar coupling averaged over a 400 GHz band centered on 1.2 THz. The intrapixel resonator cross-talk is <; 0.01%. Arrays of dual-polarization sensitive LEKIDs (or POLEKIDs) will be deployed on the balloon-borne instrument super-BLASTPol.
antenna arrays,astronomical polarimetry,capacitors,horn antennas,inductors,infrared astronomy,infrared detectors,microwave resonators,sensor arrays,superconducting arrays,superconducting energy gap,titanium compounds,tin,absorptive one-turn inductor,cross-polar coupling,dual-polarization sensitive mkid arrays,far infrared astrophysics,feedhorn-coupled pixel,frequency 1.2 thz,interdigitated capacitor,intrapixel resonator cross-talk,niobium superconducting gap,optical coupling,orthogonal lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors,stoichiometric titanium nitride,superconducting sensors,fir,mkid,polarimetry,sub-mm,silicon,detectors,noise,inductance,couplings
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