Strut Shaping Of 34m Beamwaveguide Antenna For Reductions In Near-Field Rf And Noise Temperature

Behrouz Khayatian, Daniel J. Hoppe, Michael J. Britcliffe, Eric Gama

Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium(2012)

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Strut shaping of NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) 34m Beam Waveguide (BWG) antenna has been implemented to reduce near-field RF exposure while improving the antenna noise temperature. Strut shaping was achieved by introducing an RF shield that does not compromise the structural integrity of the existing antenna. Reduction in the RF near-field level will compensate for the planned transmit power increase of the antenna from 20 kW to 80 kW while satisfying safety requirements for RF exposure. Measured antenna noise temperature was also improved by as much as 1.5 K for the low elevation angles and 0.5 K in other areas.
electromagnetic shielding,near-field communication,radiofrequency power transmission,space communication links,waveguide antennas,dsn bwg antenna,dsn beam waveguide antenna,nasa deep space network,rf exposure,rf shield,antenna noise temperature,antenna structural integrity,low elevation angles,near-field rf exposure reduce,noise temperature,power 20 kw to 80 kw,power transmission planning,strut shaping,noise,near field,radio frequencies,radio frequency,deep space network,near field communication,antennas,reflector,shaping,temperature measurement,antenna
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