Micro-Electro-Mechanical capacitors based on vertical carbon nanotube arrays


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This paper explores the design and fabrication of Micro-Electro-Mechanical capacitors based on vertical carbon nanotube arrays. The devices are realized in vertically single-clamped parallel plate configurations using a dense array of vertically grown MWCNTs on metal lines. The capacitance tuning is performed by electrostatic actuation. From the pull-in voltage value, based on novel analytical model of single-clamped vertical CNT membranes, we extract an equivalent Young modulus of the CNT array ranging in the 10's of MPa. S-parameter measurements combined with an equivalent circuit model enable the demonstration of a capacitors with values of 50-200 fF with a tuning range of the order of 19%.
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Key words
s-parameters,young's modulus,capacitors,carbon nanotubes,circuit tuning,electrostatic actuators,equivalent circuits,micromechanical devices,nanotube devices,parallel processing,c,s-parameter,analytical model,capacitance tuning,dense array,electrostatic actuation,equivalent young modulus,equivalent circuit model,metal lines,microelectro-mechanical capacitors,pull-in voltage value,single-clamped parallel plate configurations,vertical carbon nanotube arrays,vertically grown multiwalled carbon nanotubes,capacitance,s parameter,carbon nanotube,equivalent circuit,young s modulus,s parameters,radio frequency
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