Control and Monitoring System for the HADES RPC detector


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The control and monitoring system designed for the front-end electronics of the HADES RPC detector, installed at GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research GmbH (Darmstadt, Germany), is described. This new detector for the time-of-flight detection system of HADES contains 1116 electrically shielded RPC cells and covers an active area of about 8 m2. The slow control system controls/monitors about 6500 variables and is being implemented using the experimental physics and industrial control system (EPICS) software tool kit. A MEDM graphical interface is being developed for the client system. The control and monitoring system attends four different systems: front-end electronics, low voltage system, detector and gas system. Each system communicates the control/monitoring system via a different and independent hardware interface, but the user interacts with a common software application that interfaces all systems. The front-end electronics has 2232 electronic channels that require threshold setting of the LTC2620 chips via serial peripheral interface (SPI). The low voltage system monitors currents and voltages via 1-wire bus. The detector is equipped with controllable switches and the gas system requires the control and monitoring for the gas flows. Temperature of all systems is sensed using the DS18B20 chip. The data acquisition system interacts with the main part of the systems via system-on-chip ETRAX computers (equipped with Ethernet port) that run EPICS IO servers over an embedded LINUX kernel.
linux,data acquisition,embedded systems,nuclear electronics,nuclear engineering computing,operating system kernels,peripheral interfaces,system-on-chip,ds18b20 chip,epics io server,epics software tool kit,etrax computer,ethernet port,hades rpc detector,ltc2620 chip,medm graphical interface,rpc cell,control and monitoring system,controllable switch,data acquisition system,detector system,electronic channel,embedded linux kernel,experimental physics and industrial control system software,front-end electronics,gas flow,gas system,low voltage system,serial peripheral interface,time-of-flight detection system,wire bus,control system,epics,hades,monitor system,slow control,system on chip,low voltage,detectors,temperature measurement,time of flight,hardware,control systems,graphical interface,physics,chip
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