My Own Clips: Automatic clip generation from watched television programs by using EEG-based user response data

Consumer Electronics(2012)

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Users watching television live in a flood of videos provided by various television channels. Although some of beloved television programs supply best one-minute clips, the clips reflecting ratings may be irrelevant to the interest of each viewer. Under the television viewing environment, it is difficult for the users to make personal clips by using video editing tools due to the nature of the passive viewing habit and the user interface using remote controls mainly. This paper proposes an automatic clip generation system that extracts interesting parts of viewed content especially to a user by using the EEG-based response data. The system provides the clips, which can be the valuable summaries of what the user viewed with attention, without active human intervention during watching television.
electroencephalography,feature extraction,telecontrol,user modelling,video on demand,video signal processing,EEG-based user response data,automatic clip generation system,best one-minute clips,interesting content parts extraction,passive viewing habit,personal clips,remote controls,television channels,television programs,television viewing environment,user interface,video editing tools,video summarisation,
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