Commissioning and investigation of beam dynamics of Phase I Insertion Devices at diamond

Albuquerque, NM(2007)

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Diamond is a 3 GeV low emittance third generation light source recently commissioned in Oxfordshire, UK. During Phase I of the project, seven insertion devices (IDs) have been installed and commissioned: these include 5 in-vacuum permanent magnet undulators, a variable polarization APPLE-II helical device (HU64) and a superconducting wiggler (SCW). We present our experiences commissioning these devices and the results of the investigations of their effects on beam dynamics, including orbit distortion, linear tune shifts, beta-beating and beam lifetime. Alpha-matching with local and global tune compensations, as well as the LOCO algorithm, have been used to compensate the linear optic perturbations. The results are discussed and compared with theoretical predictions. Injection with IDs in operation has also been investigated in view of future top-up operation.
accelerator magnets,light sources,particle beam dynamics,particle beam injection,particle beam stability,permanent magnets,storage rings,superconducting devices,wigglers,apple-ii helical device,diamond storage ring,hu64,loco algorithm,oxfordshire,phase-i insertion devices,alpha-matching,beam dynamics,beam lifetime,beta-beating,in-vacuum permanent magnet undulators,injection efficiency,linear optic perturbations,linear tune shifts,low emittance third generation light source,superconducting wiggler,permanent magnet,optical feedback,intrusion detection
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