Experiments in warm dense matter using an ion beam driver

Albuquerque, NM(2007)

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Warm dense matter (WDM) conditions are to be achieved by combined longitudinal and transverse neutralized drift compression of an intense ion beam pulse to provide a hot spot on a target with a beam spot size of about 1 mm, and pulse length about 1-2 ns. The range of the beams in solid matter targets is about 1 micron, which can be lengthened by using reduced density porous targets. Initial experiments in ion-beam-driven WDM will be at low beam velocity, below the Bragg peak, increasing toward the Bragg peak in subsequent higher-energy accelerators. Initial experiments include a transient darkening experiment and a experiment in porous targets at GSI. Further experiments will explore target temperature and other properties such as electrical conductivity to investigate phase transitions and the critical point.
beam handling techniques,nuclear bombardment targets,particle beam dynamics,electrical conductivity,intense ion beam pulse compression,ion beam driver,longitudinal neutralized drift compression,porous targets,transient darkening experiment,transverse neutralized drift compression,warm dense matter,hot spot,ion beam,stimulated emission,phase transition,solids,wavelength division multiplexing,electric conductivity,critical point
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