Experimentally determining a parametric model for the point source response of a gamma camera (SPECT)

Santa Fe, NM, USA(1991)

Cited 11|Views1
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The authors experimentally investigate the response of a gamma camera to a source as a function of depth of the source in water and of distance from the gamma camera. They compute a least-squares estimate of the FWHM (full width at half maximum) of the camera line spread function as an affine function of these two parameters. They demonstrate a method for experimentally estimating the parameters of a camera response model and use this approach to estimate the parameters of a 2-D Gaussian model for the camera point source response in a true 3-D formulation. The 2-D Gaussian model was shown to yield good agreement with experimental data.<>
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Key words
cameras,computerised tomography,radioisotope scanning and imaging,2d gaussian model,3d formulation,spect,affine function,camera line spread function,experimental parameter estimation,full width at half maximum,gamma camera,least-squares estimate,medical diagnostic imaging,nuclear medicine,parametric model,point source response,single photon emission computerised tomography
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