Tests of the radiation hardness of silicon strip detectors under neutron, proton, and gamma irradiation

Santa Fe, NM, USA(1991)

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Summary form only given, as follows. As part of a program to develop silicon central tracking systems for the next generation of high-energy, high-luminosity accelerators such as the Superconducting Super Collider and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, the effects of radiation damage in silicon detectors are being studied in detail. Results on neutron and proton irradiations at Los Alamos National Laboratory and gamma ray irradiations at UC Santa Cruz have been obtained. The devices being tested include both single-sided and double-sided silicon strip detectors, as well as test structures. Results of measurements of leakage current, acceptor state creation, charge trapping, pulse shapes, and changes in interstrip resistance as a function dose and operating temperature have been obtained.<>
gamma-ray effects,neutron effects,position sensitive particle detectors,proton effects,semiconductor counters,silicon,acceptor state creation,central tracking systems,charge trapping,double sided si strip detectors,gamma irradiation,interstrip resistance,leakage current,neutron irradiation,proton irradiations,pulse shapes,radiation damage,single sided strip detectors,tracking system,pulse shaping,radiation hardness,gamma ray
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