Cost evaluation of innovative offers using detailed equipment, process and network modeling languages

Transparent Optical Networks(2014)

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The fast evolution of networks, techniques and tools makes designing the business case for a new high tech customer offer a collaborative task, in which multiple specialized firms each provide their own expertise to the offer, making it as such the most advanced, yet cost-effective on the market. While in the past, the design of such a business case was made using the “back of an envelope” calculation, the complexity such collaborative effort entails, increases the need for specific tools for modeling the firms' interaction without losing the specifics of the cost-benefit models for the individual partners. To contribute to the effective design of collaborative business cases, this paper will describe a scalable multi-level quantification approach, while focusing on specific modeling languages for detailed cost modeling for the different partners: equipment modeling, process modeling and network modeling.
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Key words
business data processing,groupware,programming languages,collaborative business cases,collaborative effort,collaborative task,cost evaluation,customer offer,detailed equipment,equipment modeling,firm interaction,innovative offers,network modeling,network modeling languages,process modeling,scalable multilevel quantification approach,specific tools,cost modelling,equipment,modelling language,network,process
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