A 700 pJ/bit, 2.4 GHz, narrowband, PLL-free burst mode transmitter based on an FBAR with 5μs startup time for highly duty-cycled systems

Tampa, FL(2014)

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This paper presents a PLL-free transmitter based on an FBAR achieving a 5μs startup time to reduce the crystal oscillator power overhead which degrades the energy efficiency for heavily duty cycled systems. The TX upconverts a FSK-modulated FBAR DCO signal with the IF output of a Phase Switching Divider (PSD) injection locked to the DCO. The PSD has a division step of 0.2 to circumvent the limited FBAR tuning range that prevents addressing all the channels in the various bands between 2.36 and 2.5 GHz. Integrated in a 65nm technology, the TX outputs -1dBm and consumes 9.2mA at 1.2V. Further, the TX is capable of data rates up to 16 Mbps leading to a peak energy efficiency of 700pJ/b as well as a multi-fold reduction in the mean power dissipation at lower mean data rates.
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Key words
uhf oscillators,acoustic resonators,bulk acoustic wave devices,crystal oscillators,dividing circuits,frequency shift keying,injection locked oscillators,radio transmitters,switching circuits,fsk-modulated fbar dco signal,psd,crystal oscillator power overhead reduction,current 9.2 ma,frequency 2.36 ghz to 2.5 ghz,highly duty-cycled systems,limited fbar tuning range,mean power dissipation,multifold reduction,narrowband pll-free burst mode transmitter,phase switching divider,size 65 nm,time 5 mus,voltage 1.2 v,fbar,pll-free tx,fast startup,tuning,transmitters
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