Hand gesture recognition with leap motion and kinect devices

Image Processing(2014)

Cited 597|Views436
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The recent introduction of novel acquisition devices like the Leap Motion and the Kinect allows to obtain a very informative description of the hand pose that can be exploited for accurate gesture recognition. This paper proposes a novel hand gesture recognition scheme explicitly targeted to Leap Motion data. An ad-hoc feature set based on the positions and orientation of the fingertips is computed and fed into a multi-class SVM classifier in order to recognize the performed gestures. A set of features is also extracted from the depth computed from the Kinect and combined with the Leap Motion ones in order to improve the recognition performance. Experimental results present a comparison between the accuracy that can be obtained from the two devices on a subset of the American Manual Alphabet and show how, by combining the two features sets, it is possible to achieve a very high accuracy in real-time.
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Key words
gesture recognition,image classification,palmprint recognition,support vector machines,American manual alphabet,Kinect device,Leap Motion,acquisition device,ad-hoc feature set,fingertip orientation,hand gesture recognition scheme,hand pose,multiclass SVM classifier,support vector machine,Depth,Gesture Recognition,Kinect,Leap Motion,SVM
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