Using edit distance and junction feature to detect and recognize arrow road marking


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Arrow road markings usually appear on freeway surface and they convey important navigation information to autonomous driving. But detecting and recognizing them is a tough task because they suffer from numerous deviations like objects' interference and themselves' abrasion, etc. We therefore propose a novel local junction feature (L-junction) to describe each road marking as a junction string, different deviation is dispersed into different junction. We encode those junctions within a range as the same code. To measure the similarity between detected junction string and ground truth junction string, we design a weighted edit distance strategy and assign different deviation with different weight so that our framework is robust enough to deviations in arrow road marking but sensitive to non- arrow road markings' deviations. To test our framework, we collect three freeway datasets with our self-driving car: clean/dirty arrow road marking images (300 images respectively), a video dataset (arrow road marking and non-road marking images (670 images)). Another deep learning framework (Boosting+Convolutional Deep Neural Network (CDNN)) is also implemented for comparison. Extensive experimental results well demonstrate the superior performance of our framework.
driver information systems,image recognition,learning (artificial intelligence),neural nets,object detection,video coding,cdnn,l-junction,arrow road marking,arrow road marking detection,arrow road marking recognition,autonomous driving,boosting-convolutional deep neural network,clean arrow road marking images,deep learning framework,dirty arrow road marking image,freeway datasets,freeway surface,ground truth junction string,junction encoding,local junction feature,navigation information,nonarrow road marking deviations,self-driving car,video dataset,weighted edit distance strategy,learning artificial intelligence
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