Load hiding of household's power demand

Smart Grid Communications(2014)

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With the development and introduction of smart metering, the energy information for costumers will change from infrequent manual meter readings to fine-grained energy consumption data. On the one hand these fine-grained measurements will lead to an improvement in costumers' energy habits, but on the other hand the fined-grained data produces information about a household and also households' inhabitants, which are the basis for many future privacy issues. To ensure household privacy and smart meter information owned by the household inhabitants, load hiding techniques were introduced to obfuscate the load demand visible at the household energy meter. In this work, a state-of-the-art battery-based load hiding (BLH) technique, which uses a controllable battery to disguise the power consumption and a novel load hiding technique called load-based load hiding (LLH) are presented. An LLH system uses an controllable household appliance to obfuscate the household's power demand. We evaluate and compare both load hiding techniques on real household data and show that both techniques can strengthen household privacy but only LLH can increase appliance level privacy.
battery management systems,data privacy,demand side management,power engineering computing,smart meters,BLH technique,LLH,appliance level privacy,controllable battery,controllable household appliance,energy habits,fine-grained energy consumption data,fine-grained measurements,household energy meter,household privacy,infrequent manual meter readings,load demand,load hiding techniques,load-based load hiding,power consumption,privacy issues,smart metering,state-of-the-art battery-based load hiding technique
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