Automatic identification of solid-phase medication intake using wireless wearable accelerometers.


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We have proposed a novel solution to a fundamental problem encountered in implementing non-ingestion based medical adherence monitoring systems, namely, how to reliably identify pill medication intake. We show how wireless wearable devices with tri-axial accelerometer can be used to detect and classify hand gestures of users during solid-phase medication intake. Two devices were worn on the wrists of each user. Users were asked to perform two activities in the way that is natural and most comfortable to them: (1) taking empty gelatin capsules with water, and (2) drinking water and wiping mouth. 25 users participated in this study. The signals obtained from the devices were filtered and the patterns were identified using dynamic time warping algorithm. Using hand gesture signals, we achieved 84.17 percent true positive rate and 13.33 percent false alarm rate, thus demonstrating that the hand gestures could be used to effectively identify pill taking activity.
hand gesture classification,taking empty gelatin capsules,dynamic time warping algorithm,triaxial accelerometer,wiping mouth,patient monitoring,biomedical communication,wireless wearable accelerometers,noningestion based medical adherence monitoring systems,image classification,drinking water,object detection,hand gesture detection,computer vision,accelerometers,gesture recognition,wireless wearable devices,automatic solid-phase medication intake identification
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