A trigger fanout Rear-Transition Module for the European XFEL timing system

Real Time Conference(2014)

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The European XFEL [1] timing system [2],[3] delivers drift-compensated precise timing and trigger information for its experiments. It consist of a double-size AMC module for micro-TCA crate system and complies with the MTCA.4 specifications. Clocks and triggers are delivered through the front-panel, the MTCA.4 backplane or through a Rear-Transition Module (RTM) connector. To accommodate the need for more trigger outputs from one single timing board an RTM board has been designed for trigger fanout. This allows a more efficient use of each timing board in the system, while reducing the total cost. The board can deliver triggers through either LVDS or 5V TTL signals. Additionally some of the trigger ports have been equipped with the possibility of generating triggers of arbitrary length and phase position, in steps of 5 ps. With the trigger fanout RTM board the European XFEL timing system becomes even more flexible and should suit the needs for even more experiments.
clocks,free electron lasers,nuclear electronics,timing circuits,transistor-transistor logic,trigger circuits,amc module,european xfel timing system,lvds,mtca.4 specification,rtm connector,ttl signals,x-ray free electron laser,clock,drift compensated precise timing,micro-tca crate system,rear transition module,timing board,trigger fanout rtm board,trigger ports,fpga,pll,phase detector,field programmable gate arrays,backplanes
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