Submesoscale structures monitoring and detection by satellite imagery: El Hierro island submarine volcano

Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(2014)

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The island off the Atlantic coast of North Africa, El Hierro (Canary Island), has been rocked by thousands of tremors and earthquakes since July 2011, and an underwater volcanic eruption 300 meters below sea level started on October 10, 2011. Thanks to this natural tracer release, low resolution satellite images obtained from MODIS and MERIS sensors have been processed for monitoring the volcanic plume evolution and it has provided a unique and outstanding source of tracer that may allow us to study submesoscale front-like and filament-like structures. These structures have been monitored and detected using an advanced methodology based on an initial structure segmentation algorithm combined by a structure growing technique.
earthquakes,oceanographic regions,sea level,volcanology,AD 2011 07,AD 2011 10 10,Atlantic coast,El Hierro island,MERIS sensors,MODIS sensors,earthquakes,filament-like structures,initial structure segmentation algorithm,low resolution satellite images,natural tracer release,north Africa,sea level,structure growing technique,submarine volcano,submesoscale front-like structures,tracer source,tremors,underwater volcanic eruption,volcanic plume evolution monitoring,El Hierro submarine volcano,MERIS,MODIS,image segmentation,submesoscale structures
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