A semantic search with Chord protocol utilizing domain ontology

Computer and Communication Technology(2014)

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Information searching over unstructured P2P network like CHORD, KADEMILLA, PASTRY mainly use literal matching words occurrence in documents with those present in users queries. This process of searching does not deal with the semantics and semantic relationships of words. In this paper, we resolve this problem by proposing a Scheme to search information semantically over unstructured P2P network, based on ontology. The ontology best described as a formal representation of a set of words within a domain and a relationship between those words rather keywords. The ontology uses Dewey Decimal Code to facilitate the classification taxonomy for files, which are shared in unstructured peer to peer network for the clustering purpose. To simulate our model we used chord protocol as underlay peer to peer protocol which lookup the nodes efficiently. We build DDC ontology as upper layer. The performance of proposed system finds 58-61% accurate query hit.
codes,ontologies (artificial intelligence),peer-to-peer computing,protocols,chord protocol,ddc ontology,dewey decimal code,kademilla,pastry,domain ontology,file classification taxonomy,information searching,semantic search,underlay peer to peer protocol,unstructured p2p network,user queries,ontology,semantic,semantics,ontologies,indexes,computer science
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