Performance And Energy Evaluation Of Restful Web Services In Raspberry Pi

Performance Computing and Communications Conference(2014)

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Green computing has emerged as a hot topic leading to a need to understand energy consumption of computations. This need also extends to devices with limited resources as are common in the internet of things. RESTful services have shown their potential on such devices, but there are many choices of frameworks for their development and execution. Current research has analysed performance of the frameworks but no attention has been given to systematically studying their power consumption. In this paper we analyse the execution behaviour and power consumption of web services on devices with limited resources and make initial observations that should influence future development of web service frameworks. Specifically, we conduct experiments comparing web services in the Axis2 and CXF frameworks analysing the respective performance and power consumption. Bringing together the best features of small devices and SoC, it is possible to provide diverse, mobile and green applications - however careful selection of development environments can make significant differences in performance and energy consumption.
Web Services,Service Oriented Architecture,Quality of Service,Performance Evaluation,Apache Axis2,Apache CFX,Raspberry Pi
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