Accuracy In Colour Reproduction: Using A Colorchecker Chart To Assess The Usefulness And Comparability Of Data Acquired With Two Hyper-Spectral Systems


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Hyper-spectral imaging has been applied as an in situ technique for the study and accurate digital documentation of coloured artworks. Providing spectral and colorimetric characterisation across the entire surface of an object, it can be used to identify the coloured materials, measure colour changes, and document it with high fidelity. However, depending on the system used, data accuracy and reliability may vary. In this work, developed within the Round Robin Test being carried out by COSCH Working Group 1, an X-Rite (R) ColorChecker Classic chart was analysed with two push-broom hyper-spectral systems developed by different groups (IFAC-CNR and IP-UEF), in the 400-1000 nm range, and the data obtained were compared. This comparison allowed to assess the accuracy of colour reproduction processes performed by the two systems. The results obtained are satisfactory in terms of spectral and colorimetric accuracy for some colours, but show differences at both ends of the visible range.
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Hyper-spectral imaging,Spectral and spatial resolution,Accuracy,Colour reproduction,ColorChecker,CIELAB colorimetric values,COSCH
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