Utilizing a closed loop medication management workflow through an engaging interactive robot for older people

e-Health Networking, Applications and Services(2012)

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We describe an engaging interactive robot and the workflow design for incorporating such service robots in health care. The research is analyzing the long term usability of automated medication support for older people as they interact with a Stationary Robotic Medication Management System (StRoMMS). It delivers timely instructions and automated guidance as people take their daily medications in their independent living quarters in a retirement village. A pilot user study evaluated the hypothesized technological requirements of the robotic system and the clinical workflow requirements in the healthcare context. The novel contributions are our interactive robot and the workflow design. Following a “system of systems” design approach we determined that robots cannot work in isolation in a complex operational space such as healthcare. The value of introducing interactive robots in healthcare can be realized when the robot has interfaces with the healthcare system, which enhance the overall outcome and experience of the patient. Our research will inform the research community of the importance of the confluence of people, workflows and tools while designing healthcare robotics technology.
geriatrics,health care,interactive systems,medical computing,medical robotics,user interfaces,StRoMMS,Stationary Robotic Medication Management System,automated medication support,clinical workflow requirements,closed loop medication management workflow,daily medications,health care robotic services,healthcare robotics technology,interactive robot,older people,system of systems design approach,workflow design
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