Brahmastra: driving apps to test the security of third-party components

USENIX Security(2014)

引用 157|浏览133
We present an app automation tool called Brahmastra for helping app stores and security researchers to test third-party components in mobile apps at runtime. The main challenge is that call sites that invoke third-party code may be deeply embedded in the app, beyond the reach of traditional GUI testing tools. Our approach uses static analysis to construct a page transition graph and discover execution paths to invoke third-party code. We then perform binary rewriting to \"jump start\" the third-party code by following the execution path, efficiently pruning out undesired executions. Compared with the state-of-the-art GUI testing tools, Brahmastra is able to successfully analyse third-party code in 2.7× more apps and decrease test duration by a factor of 7. We use Brahmastra to uncover interesting results for two use cases: 175 out of 220 children's apps we tested display ads that point to web pages that attempt to collect personal information, which is a potential violation of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA); and 13 of the 200 apps with the Facebook SDK that we tested are vulnerable to a known access token attack.
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