Shop-i: Gaze based Interaction in the Physical World for In-Store Social Shopping Experience.

CHI '15: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Seoul Republic of Korea April, 2015(2015)

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Gaze-based interaction has several benefits: naturalism, remote controllability, and easy accessibility. However, it has been mostly used for screen-based interaction with static information. In this paper, we propose a concept of gaze-based interaction that augments the physical world with social information. We demonstrate this interaction in a shopping scenario. In-store shopping is a setting where social information can augment the physical environment to better support a user's purchase decision. Based on the user's ocular point, we project the following information on the product and its surrounding surface: collective in-store gazes and purchase data, product comparison information, animation expressing ingredient of product, and online social comments. This paper presents the design of the system, the results and discussion of an informal user study, and future work.
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