Predictive node expiration based energy-aware source routing (PNEB ESR) protocol for wireless sensor networks


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Wireless sensor networks essentially consist of an amalgam of autonomous sensor nodes deployed in an ad-hoc manner to collect information about the surroundings. These sensor nodes usually dispense the collected information to data sink nodes through information routing techniques. Predictive Node Expiration Based Energy -- aware Source Routing (PNEB ESR) protocol is an energy aware routing protocol which attempts to optimize the overall energy efficiency of the sensor network and ensures the sensed information reaches a data sink through a reliable path. In this protocol, the Energy Depletion Rate of a node is calculated at predetermined energy levels and is used to predict when a node will outlive its usefulness. This is used in the prediction of route expirations which will provide timely insights to the nodes on when to seek for alternative routes to data sinks. Simulations show that the PNEB ESR protocol is successful in making reliable route selections and theoretically minimizes the number of control packets flowing in the network. This leads to considerable reduction in processing and communication costs and hence minimizes overall energy consumption.
energy aware routing protocols,sensitivity threshold,wireless sensor networks,variable power transmission,energy depletion rate
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