Granary: A sharing oriented distributed storage system.

Future Generation Computer Systems(2014)

Cited 14|Views8
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Up to now, more and more people use Internet storage services as a new way of sharing. File sharing by a distributed storage system is quite different from a specific sharing application like BitTorrent. And as large file sharing becomes popular, the data transmission rate takes the place of the response delay to be the major factor influencing user experience. We present the design and implementation of a distributed storage system named as Granary in this paper, which provides reliable data storage and sharing service to cyber users. Granary uses a specific DHT(Distributed Hash Table) layer to store file meta-data and employs a raw data storage scheme to scatter large data. We introduce its adaptive DHT recovery algorithm in this paper which assures the availability and consistency of meta-data with small bandwidth consumption and improved throughout. The replication strategies which are used to accelerate file sharing with low bandwidth consumptions are further discussed. Experimental results show that these methods offer a reliable and efficient data storage and sharing speed with network bandwidth costs less than conventional policies.
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Distributed storage,DHT,Key-value,File sharing,Reliable storage
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