
Development of the remote-controlled platform truck for handling heavy object and the remote control human interface for the disaster response.


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General interest for robotic technology has been increased by the public and the media after Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (hereafter referred to as 1F) disaster. Especially, robots which can work under the very severe condition where personnel cannot access have demands for development. As to respond to such high demands, NEDO established 'Disaster response unmanned systems development project' in 2012.[1] This project is specialized in the development of various remote-controlled equipment, such as remote-controlled platform truck and remote control human interface under 'Mobile Robot Development'. Remote-controlled platform truck is designed to safely and surely deliver robots and supplies, instead of using stairs and elevator, etc. in and out of building where it is too critical for personnel to work under. Remote control human interface for robots is designed to standardize the command and operation screen for operator, based on opinions from project members, and manned facility construction.[2] In this article, mechanical structure and development tasks for remote-controlled platform truck, and commonalization approach for operation and camera display of various remote-controlled equipment and robot for remote control human interface are stated. Background: due to hydrogen explosion triggered by The Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011, a reactor building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was severely damaged. It is required to reduce high radiation dose in the atmosphere of the reactor building to perform restoration. To pursue decontamination of the reactor building, equipment to lift and carry decontamination devices to upper floor are required.
handling heavy object,remote control,human interface
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