Mining High Utility Itemsets For Transaction Deletion In A Dynamic Database

Intelligent Data Analysis(2015)

引用 17|浏览19
Association-rule mining is used to mine the relationships among the occurrences itemsets in a transactional database. An item is treated as a binary variable whose value is one if it appears in a transaction and zero otherwise. In real-world applications, several products may be purchased at the same time, with each product having an associated profit, quantity, and price. Association-rule mining from a binary database is thus not sufficient in some applications. Utility mining was thus proposed as an extension of frequent-itemset mining for considering various factors from the user. Most utility mining approaches can only process static databases and use batch processing. In real-world applications, transactions are dynamically inserted into or deleted from databases. The Fast UPdated (FUP) algorithm and the FUP2 algorithm were respectively proposed to handle transaction insertion and deletion in dynamic databases. In this paper, a fast-updated high-utility itemsets for transaction deletion (FUP-HUI-DEL) algorithm is proposed to handle transaction deletion for efficiently updating discovered high utility itemsets in decremental mining. The two-phase approach in high utility mining is applied to the proposed FUP-HUI-DEL algorithm for preserving the downward closure property to reduce the number of candidates. The FUP2 algorithm for handling transaction deletion in association-rule mining is adopted in the proposed FUP-HUI-DEL algorithm to reduce the number of scans of the original database in high utility mining. Experiments show that the proposed FUP-HUI-DEL algorithm outperforms the batch two-phase approach.
High utility mining,decremental mining,transaction deletion,two-phase algorithm,dynamic database
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