Note: Li-6 Iii Light Intensity Observation For Li-6(3+) Ion Beam Operation At Hyper-Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source


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The light intensity of Li-6 III line spectrum at lambda = 516.7 nm was observed during Li-6(3+) beam tuning at the Hyper-Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion source. Separation of ion species of the same charge to mass ratio with an electromagnetic mass analyzer is known to be an exceptionally complex process. However, Li-6 III line intensity observation conducted in this study gives new insights into its simplification of this process. The light intensity of Li-6 III line spectrum from the ECR plasma was found to have a strong correlation with the extracted Li-6(3+) beam intensity from the RIKEN Azimuthal Varying Field cyclotron. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
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observation beam operation,<sup>6</sup>li iii,light intensity observation,hyper-electron
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