Time of operative treatment of maldescensus testis in childhood - wishes and reality


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Background: Maldescensus testis constitutes the most common diagnosis in the daily routine of a paediatric surgeon and is proved to be one of the most established risk factors for future infertility and malignancy. Material and Methods: We examined therapy strategies of paediatricians in the catchment area of the University Clinic of Wurzburg in the light of the late time of orchidopexy. This study consists of a short survey sent to 100 local paediatricians. After return, the given answers were put in comparison to the 504 cases of retentio testis treated in our clinic from 2005 to 2010. Results: Theoretical knowledge regarding guidelines for the treatment of retentio testis is abundant among paediatricians in and around Wurzburg. Nevertheless, the initial therapy is of a hesitant character and often leads to an unnecessary delay in operation. The average age of boys receiving orchidopexy at our clinic between 2005 and 2010 amounted to 3.3 years. Conclusion: Regarding guidelines the average age of cryptorchid boys receiving orchidopexy at the University Clinic of Wurzburg was way too high between 2005 and 2010. To some extent this fact can be attributed to the hesitant manner of therapy shown by local paediatricians. An improvement in the time of operation is definitely possible and necessary in order to optimise the outcome.
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Key words
paediatric surgery,retentio testis,start of therapy,wishes and reality
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