Superconducting Magnets for the 12 GeV Upgrade at Jefferson Laboratory

Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions  (2015)

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Jefferson Laboratory is embarked on an energy upgrade to its flagship continuous electron beam accelerator to expand the scope of its research capabilities and probe further into the structure of nuclear particles. The 12 GeV upgrade includes the design, manufacture, integration, installation and commissioning of eight different superconducting magnets in three separate experimental halls. The effort involves other national laboratories, universities and industry spanning three countries. This paper will summarize the key characteristics of these magnets, ranging in size from 0.2 to 23 MJ in stored energy, and featuring many different types and configurations. The paper will also give an overview of the specific technical challenges for each magnet, and a status report on magnet manufacture and expected delivery dates. The 12 GeV upgrade at J-Lab represents the largest superconducting magnet fabrication and installation program currently ongoing in the United States and this paper will present the breadth of collaborations supporting it.
accelerator magnets,superconducting magnet energy storage,superconducting magnets,electron volt energy 12 GeV,energy 0.2 MJ to 23 MJ,12 GeV upgrade,Continuous electron beam accelerator,Jefferson Lab,Jefferson lab,continuous electron beam accelerator,superconducting magnets,
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