Thermal Design of the Mu2e Detector Solenoid

Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions  (2015)

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The reference design for a superconducting detector solenoid (DS) for the Mu2e experiment has been completed. The main functions of the DS are to provide a graded field in the region of the stopping target, which ranges from 2 to 1 T and a uniform precision magnetic field of 1 T in a volume large enough to house a tracker downstream of the stopping target. The inner diameter of the magnet cryostat is 1.9 m and the length is 10.9 m. The gradient section of the magnet is about 4 m long and the spectrometer section with a uniform magnetic field is about 6 m long. The inner cryostat wall supports the stopping target, tracker, calorimeter and other equipment installed in the DS. This warm bore volume is under vacuum during operation. It is sealed on one end by the muon beam stop, while it is open on the other end where it interfaces with the Transport Solenoid. The operating temperature of the magnetic coil is 4.7 K and is indirectly cooled with helium flowing in a thermosiphon cooling scheme. This paper describes the thermal design of the solenoid, including the design aspects of the thermosiphon for the coil cooling, forced flow cooling of the thermal shields with 2 phase LN2 (Liquid Nitrogen) and the transient studies of the cool down of the cold mass as well.
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Key words
cooling,cryostats,magnetic field measurement,magnetic sensors,superconducting coils,superconducting magnets,thermal engineering,2 phase ln2,ds,mu2e experiment,distance 10.9 m,forced flow cooling,liquid nitrogen,magnet cryostat,magnet gradient section,magnetic coil,magnetic flux density 2 t to 1 t,muon beam stop,size 1.9 m,spectrometer section,stopping target downstream tracker,superconducting detector solenoid,temperature 4.7 k,thermal design,thermal shielding,thermosiphon cooling scheme,transport solenoid,uniform precision magnetic field,cold mass,thermal stress thermosiphon,heating,helium,solenoids
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