Low-earth-orbit object detection by spaceborne netted radars

Applied Sciences and Technology(2015)

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Spaceborne netted radars are of benefit for low-earth-orbit (LEO) object detection. Methods of constellation design are presented in detail by mean of the analysis on satellite orbital parameters, types of constellation coverage and other parameters related to constellation design. Simu-lations on LEO objects detection using spaceborne netted radars are implemented under the constraint of rational operating parameters of space-based radars. Walker con-stellation and non-Walker constellation with different pa-rameter configuration are compared in terms of observation time gap for one satellite as an example, followed by the statistical results of observation time intervals for more than one hundred objects. The simulation results show that the observation time intervals for LEO objects can be shortened effectively by means of spaceborne netted radars, resulting in higher coverage ratio of observation.
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Key words
earth orbit,artificial satellites,object detection,spaceborne radar,statistical analysis,leo object detection,coverage ratio,low-earth-orbit object detection,nonwalker constellation,satellite orbital parameter,spacebome netted radar,time gap observation,walker constellation
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