Magnetization Splitting In Landau And Diamond-Domain Structures: Dependence On Exchange Interaction, Anisotropy, And Size


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The distributions of magnetization orientation for both Landau and diamond-domain structures in nanorect-angles have been investigated by micromagnetic simulation. Both symmetric and asymmetric magnetization splitting are found in the diamond-domain structure, as well as only symmetric magnetization splitting in the Landau structure. The magnetization splitting can take place around both the easy axis and the hard one. These indicate that the magnetization splitting is a general behavior in both Landau and diamond-domain structures. In the Landau structure, the splitting angle increases with the exchange coefficient but decreases slightly with the anisotropy constant, suggesting that the exchange interaction mainly contributes to the magnetization splitting in Landau structure. However in the diamond structure, the splitting angle increases with the anisotropy constant but decreases with the exchange coefficient, indicating that the magnetization splitting in the diamond structure mainly results from magnetic anisotropy. For both Landau and diamond-domain structures, the magnetization splitting depends strongly on the size. In the case of the easy axis along the length direction, the magnetization splitting angle around the easy axis is enhanced with the length of the easy axis, while that around the hard axis increases with the length of the hard axis. These results can extend the understanding of the basic features of the magnetic domain microstructures.
microstructures,exchange interaction,magnetic domains,domain wall,magnetic anisotropy
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